NYT Observation

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Stepping into the lobby of the New York Times building, there’s an instant sense of prominence that fills the space, like the light that beams through every floor to ceiling window. Crisp floors, glass doors, and bright hallways shine, mirroring the history and esteem that lives in these walls.

Bright colors and sunshine make the New York Times building seem to radiate, glass windows and walls making the space seem inviting and open. The building is clean and crisp, exuding minimalism- a fresh breath of air. The floors of the lobby sparkle upon entrance, reflecting the sunlight being let in through the floor to ceiling glass that surrounds the building’s open-air garden. Birch trees and green ferns smile at the sun, casting dancing shadows into the lobby. The building has a calm friendliness to it, the distant clicking of tiny screens lining a bright orange hallway greet passerby’s.  A ride up on one of the building’s energy-efficient elevators is smooth and quiet. The higher floors alternate between bright orange or crisp white walls. Framed photographs and newspaper articles are aligned perfectly, making the space feel welcoming, homey. Bright green conference chairs nestle themselves under clean, round office tables, glass walls hugging the space. The distant sound of printing and the shuffling of papers can be heard, leading to the newsroom where white cubicles are spread out like the lines of a crossword puzzle. There’s a slight murmur of phones being answered, pens being put to paper, but the space still maintains a quiet to it- a calm. Cascading red stairs line the room, like bright red Lego pieces leading to a different floor. Lights dim themselves as sunlight is let in through the grand glass windows, bouncing off the blue, green, and orange seats in the cafeteria space.

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